Fall 2024
Once a month (see calendar below)
Ross 5th floor A/V room
Coordinators: Chandan Narayan, Thomas Kettig, Emily Elfner, Liisa Duncan

Students: QingXiao Cui (PhD), Busra Tasdemir (PhD), Griffin Cahill (PhD), Andrew Lubanszky (MA), Jacob Graham (MA)


This is the landing site for the Phonophony group, an informal meeting of faculty and students interested in speech sounds. We will meet once a month to discuss our own research or to read interesting papers about phonology, phonetics, speech perception, acoustics, languages, etc. We will occasionally invite visiting linguists to present their work to our group.

[foˈnɑːfəni] "phonáphony" the average way to pronounce it. [fonoˈfoni] "phono-phony" like the the distinction between phonology and phonetics is "phony," as proposed by Ohala (1981) (Chandan believes most of this).